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KAT Equipment

See our Equipment and if you don't see something pictured, we are able to get other equipment at any time needed.

bmt truck
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bmt truck

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KAT Equipment

  • Dozers - with a root rake attachment for raking of roots trees and brush to keep that unwanted dirt out of your burn piles

  • Trackhoes - with a thumb attachment to handle trees, stumps, and any other large objects that will not fit in the bucket

  • Compactors - sheep foot drum for compacting clay and heavy 60/40 or smooth drum for compacting rock and dirt for a smooth finish

  • Motor Graders - grading and building of roads, scarifier and ripper attachments for breaking up hard surfaces

  • Tractors - 6 ft brush hog, 15ft batwing mower, grapple, pallet forks, dirt bucket, box blade

  • Backhoes - 2 or 4 wheel drive, regular or extended boom for more reach

  • Water Truck - front, rear and side spray nozzles to get the water where it is needed

  • Dump Trucks

  • Belly Dumps - adjustable gates to put the right amount of material in the right place. Works really well building roads because of the ability to spread the material down the center of the road. No wasted material in the ditches or spreading out to wide.

  • End Dumps - demolition trailers for hauling broke up concrete, brush, stumps, rip rap, etc. Also good for hauling any type of aggregate, sand and dirt for stockpiling or to pad sites.

  • Conventional Dump Trucks - these can be used as a tandem dump truck to deliver your every day loads in your yard or hard to get in job sites. They also can be used with a pup trailer to lower freight costs. These trucks also have the capability to spread aggregate material at a specified thickness or dump in a pile.

  • Flatbed Trucks - these trucks are used to haul lumber, mats, pallets, pipe , poles and etc.

  • Lowboys - used for hauling equipment

  • Pumps - water pumps and mud pumps

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16531 Hwy 105, Sour Lake, Texas, 77659



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KAT Torch Awards

National Finalist

Equipment World 

Contractor of the Year 2017

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